In SEYFANI you can find copper pipes of HALCOR SA, the leading industry specializing in the production, processing, and trading of copper products for more than 80 years.
The copper pipes we sell can withstand high operating pressures and temperatures. They are completely waterproof and keep their physical and mechanical properties unchanged over time.
They are easy to install, economical to install, reliable, and safe to operate.
In SEYFANI you will also find available copper fittings of the house Standard Hidraulica, in a full range of forms and dimensions from 6 to 159mm that is suitable for connecting copper pipes according to EN 1057 as well as according to other standards including ISO 274 and the standard EN 1254-1.
How are the products we sell chosen.
At SEYFANI we have a team made up of specialized company executives and plumbers. This group is called the Materials Committee. Its purpose is to select the products we sell, but after first very carefully checking their specifications, their certifications and testing them in practice. This is how we conclude and recommend only those products that have the best VALUE / PRICE ratio.